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Bloomberg Radio, December 3, 2020. "Speaking for the enterprise software industry, which is BSA, we're excited to work with the Administration. We feel that there are a number of places where laws and regulations could be updated, improved, and modernized, and we are really looking for places where we can find solutions," said BSA's Victoria Espinel. Read more

bsa in the news

DEC 03, 2020

CyberScoop, November 23, 2020. “There will still be IoT manufacturers who don’t sell to the government that may be able to continue to ignore some of these baseline practices,” said Tommy Ross, director of public policy for The Software Alliance, a technology industry group. “I think they will come under increasing scrutiny given that the U.S. government will now be saying these are the baseline practices we expect for any IoT device.” Read more

bsa in the news

NOV 23, 2020

BSA calls on the incoming Administration to achieve effective, sustainable security, by harnessing software innovation, recalibrating supply chain policies, securing software and the cloud, and building smart and effective governance. Read more

policy filing

NOV 18, 2020