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La Business Software Alliance est le principale organisme mondial de représentation et de promotion de l’industrie du logiciel et qui compte parmi ses membres des entreprises à la pointe de la technologie, notamment sur le développement de l’intelli gence artificielle comme Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Splunk ou encore Salesforce. Read more

policy filing

OCT 30, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance provides the following information in response to your request for written submissions to the Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) regarding significant trade barriers for inclusion in the National Trade Estimate on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE Report). The efforts of the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) to support open markets and combat trade barriers are critical to supporting global economic response and recovery to COVID-19. Read more

policy filing

OCT 29, 2020

COVID has heightened public awareness about the importance of maintaining reliable access to trustworthy state government data. The chart below indicates states with formal open data policies. Read more

policy filing

SEP 23, 2020