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Inside Cybersecurity, November 6, 2020. BSA | The Software Alliance is closely watching the work of a House-Senate conference on a major defense policy bill -- expected to start meeting formally next week -- with a particular focus on including a Cyberspace Solarium Commission proposal to create a National Cyber Director in the final legislation. Read more

bsa in the news

NOV 06, 2020

Market News International, November 2, 2020. Officials in Brussels observe that US presidents often become more focused on foreign policy issues during their second term and note that even a re-elected Trump may need to treat European allies better in order to deal more effectively with China. Read more

bsa in the news

NOV 02, 2020

Inside Cybersecurity, October 13, 2020. “We share the goal of the Defense Department to embrace modern software development and the policy is very useful for us and our members,” Tommy Ross, senior director of policy at BSA | The Software Alliance, told Inside Cybersecurity. “However, the pathway should not just be about developing software rapidly. It needs to also be about developing software that is secure.” Read more

bsa in the news

OCT 13, 2020