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InsideCybersecurity, April 27, 2022. BSA | The Software Alliance addresses the challenge of updating the cybersecurity framework with new material while keeping it concise and user friendly, in comments to NIST on the agency’s efforts to craft “CSF 2.0.” “As NIST considers whether and how to update the Framework, BSA urges NIST to do everything in its power to do ensure that the Cybersecurity Framework remains the most helpful 21 pages in cybersecurity. Too often documents increase in volume but decline in value. One important source of value the Cybersecurity Framework provides is only including the cybersecurity information that NIST and its stakeholders identify as the most important,” BSA told NIST on Monday in its submission on the cybersecurity framework update. Read more

bsa in the news

APR 27, 2022

As you work to help the Nation confront growing challenges through the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (FY23 NDAA), I write to offer the perspective of the enterprise software industry on key efforts that would improve our national and economic security and increase the Department of Defense's ability to accomplish its missions today and into the future. Read more

policy filing

APR 22, 2022

As you work to help the Nation confront growing challenges through the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (FY23 NDAA), I write to offer the perspective of the enterprise software industry on key efforts that would improve our national and economic security and increase the Department of Defense's ability to accomplish its missions today and into the future. Read more

policy filing

APR 22, 2022