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Bloomberg, February 10, 2022. Aaron Cooper, vice president of global policy for BSA | The Software Alliance, said the ability to transfer data between nations is important to all sorts of companies for all sorts of reasons. “If you’re an airline, or a bank, or a health-care company, or a manufacturer or a retailer, you are transferring data back and forth between different countries,” he said. Leia mais

bsa in the news

FEB 10, 2022

BSA|The Software Alliance (BSA |ザ・ソフトウェア・アライアンス1、以下、「BSA」)は、総務省の「地方公共団体における情報セキュリティポリシーに関するガイドライン(改定案)」(以下「本ガイドライン」)に対するパブリック・コメントの機会に感謝し、以下のとおり意見を提出致します。 Leia mais

policy filing

JAN 24, 2022