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BSA │ The Software Alliance supports strong privacy protections for consumers. BSA appreciates the Committee's interest in protecting consumer data privacy in the Commonwealth. In BSA’s federal and state advocacy, we work to advance legislation that ensures consumers’ rights — and the obligations imposed on businesses — function in a world where different types of companies play different roles in handling consumers’ personal data. Leia mais

policy filing

OCT 21, 2023

BSA │ The Software Alliance supports strong privacy protections for consumers and appreciates your work to improve consumer privacy through AB466, relating to consumer data protection. In our federal and state advocacy, BSA works to advance legislation that ensures consumers’ rights — and the obligations imposed on businesses — function in a world where different types of companies play different roles in handling consumers’ personal data. Leia mais

policy filing

OCT 18, 2023

BSA │ The Software Alliance supports strong privacy protections for consumers and appreciates the Commerce Committee’s work to improve consumer privacy HB1201, the Pennsylvania Consumer Data Privacy Act. In our federal and state advocacy, BSA works to advance legislation that ensures consumers’ rights — and the obligations imposed on businesses — function in a world where different types of companies play different roles in handling consumers’ personal data. Leia mais

policy filing

OCT 18, 2023