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heise.de, September 13, 2018. BSA is mentioned in an article about the EU copyright rules text as adopted by the European Parliament. The journalist very briefly presents BSA's position emphasising that the adopted text by the European Parliament contradicts the European Commission's AI strategy. Leia mais

bsa in the news

SEP 12, 2018

The Telegraph, September 13, 2018. BSA’s Director General, Policy - EMEA Thomas Boué is quoted in an article about the EU copyright rules text as adopted by the European Parliament. Thomas Boué said he is disappointed with the EP vote and emphasised that BSA will work with all stakeholders in upcoming negotiations. Leia mais

bsa in the news

SEP 12, 2018

iTWire, August 8, 2018. The article is an interview feature of BSA’s views on emerging technology, innovation and digital trade with BSA Senior Director, Policy APAC Jared Ragland and BSA Director, Policy APAC Darryn Lim from their visit to Australia in June 2018. In light of the Turnbull administration’s recent announcement on 23 May of the opening of negotiations with the European Union, BSA sees an opportunity for Australia to lead the region in advancing rules and initiatives to support on-going innovation. BSA is encouraged by, and strongly supportive of, Australia’s role in advocating digital trade rules in the international area. Leia mais

bsa in the news

AUG 07, 2018