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Bloomberg, February 10, 2022. Aaron Cooper, vice president of global policy for BSA | The Software Alliance, said the ability to transfer data between nations is important to all sorts of companies for all sorts of reasons. “If you’re an airline, or a bank, or a health-care company, or a manufacturer or a retailer, you are transferring data back and forth between different countries,” he said. Leia mais

bsa in the news

FEB 10, 2022

BSA|The Software Alliance (BSA |ザ・ソフトウェア・アライアンス1、以下、「BSA」)は、総務省の「地方公共団体における情報セキュリティポリシーに関するガイドライン(改定案)」(以下「本ガイドライン」)に対するパブリック・コメントの機会に感謝し、以下のとおり意見を提出致します。 Leia mais

policy filing

JAN 24, 2022

BSA | The Software Alliance, the leading advocate for the global software industry, welcomes the opportunity to provide its views on the European Commission’s consultation on reforms to the EU civil liability regime to adapt to the digital age and artificial intelligence (the “consultation”). Leia mais

policy filing

JAN 10, 2022

Wall Street Journal, December 28, 2022. The European Union’s proposed AI legislation “can be a critical component in building the sort of trust that is a net positive for everyone,” said Christian Troncoso, senior director of policy at trade group BSA | The Software Alliance. Leia mais

bsa in the news

DEC 28, 2021