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As this week’s negotiating round on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) begins in Brussels, BSA | The Software Alliance urged EU and US negotiators to continue to work toward swift completion of an ambitious and comprehensive trade partnership that will foster more trade in digital products and services. Leia mais

press release

JUL 12, 2015

A House vote on Friday could set the stage for a flurry of new trade agreements over the next six years — or potentially put U.S. trade negotiations in the deep freeze until the next president takes office in 2017. Leia mais

bsa in the news

JUN 18, 2015

The Industry Coalition for Data Protection (ICDP) cautiously awaits next week’s adoption of a Council General Approach on the General Data Protection Regulation. ICDP has long supported the core objective of the European Commission to create a single, harmonised and modern set of data protection rules for Europe, and acknowledges it is a key building block of the Digital Single Market. Leia mais

press release

JUN 14, 2015