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Tham Shen Hong is Senior Manager, Policy – APAC at BSA. In this role, he works with BSA members to develop international strategies and policy positions on key issues in APAC markets, such as data privacy, cross-border data transfers, and digital trade. Leia mais


OCT 18, 2021

Government Technology, October 14, 2021. Aaron Cooper, vice president for global policy at industry advocacy group BSA — also known as The Software Alliance, said companies need to examine AI for potential unexpected consequences and discriminatory effects at various points throughout the design and deployment process. Leia mais

bsa in the news

OCT 14, 2021

BSA's Victoria Espinel joins a discussion hosted by the Financial Times in partnership with Adobe on the significant problem of deceptive and manipulated content online, focusing on how public-private partnerships, consciousness-raising among consumers, and industry efforts like the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) can help repair and preserve trust on the internet. Leia mais


OCT 14, 2021