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In the countdown to November 3, this stellar panel of journalists from both sides of the Atlantic will share their experiences on the campaign trail during COVID-19 and also their insights on what’s at stake for EU-US relations. BSA’s President and CEO joins as moderator to turn the tables on the journalists. Leia mais


OCT 23, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Data Protection Board’s Guidelines 07/2020 on the concepts of controller and processor in the GDPR. In any privacy framework, the distinction between the roles of controller and processor, and their associated responsibilities, is key for legal certainty and contributes to stronger data protection. Recognizing the importance of the EDPB’s Guidelines in promoting interoperability, privacy, and clarity, BSA would like to offer specific comments on five aspects of the Guidelines. In doing so, we have sought to highlight the practical application of the Guidelines to the business relationships established between controllers and processors. Leia mais

policy filing

OCT 19, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance commends members of Congress for their letter to the US Department of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission expressing support for ongoing work to develop a successor to the EU-US Privacy Shield. The letter expresses support for the work to develop a successor to the European Union-United States Privacy Shield Framework (“Privacy Shield”) and to emphasize the importance of ensuring stable and reliable mechanisms to transfer data between the United States (US) and European Union (EU). Leia mais

policy filing

OCT 02, 2020