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Multiple associations urge congress to include provisions in the final FY21 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) essential to maintaining US leadership in the development of artificial intelligence (AI). Specifically, BSA supports provisions identical or sufficiently similar to Division E of H.R. 6216, the “National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act,” and to ensure that there is a five year authorization of appropriations for the programs authorized in the legislation. Multiple associations submit letters to congress that strongly support efforts to strengthen federal investments in AI research and development, facilitate new public-private partnerships that would accelerate the development of cutting-edge AI, and provide for enhanced coordination within the federal government on AI issues. Leia mais

policy filing

SEP 08, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the public consultation on the Digital Services Act. Specifically, on the appropriate and proportionate measures that digital services acting as online intermediaries, other than online platforms, should take – e.g. other types of hosting services, such as web hosts, or services deeper in the Internet stack, like cloud infrastructure services, content distribution services and DNS services and how they would prioritize strengthening consumer protection and user safety standards, while preserving the ability for digital businesses to grow and innovate. Leia mais

policy filing

SEP 08, 2020