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“Today’s adequacy decision, combined with the cross-border data transfer provisions of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, solidifies both the necessary privacy protections to personal data transfers from the EU to the UK and the conditions for a strong, continued economic partnership,” said Thomas Boué, Director-General, Policy – EMEA, at BSA. Leia mais

press release

JUN 28, 2021

Wall Street Journal, June 26, 2021. The US and the European Union should be leading the development of artificial intelligence policies and standards that address ethical issues such as bias, a Biden administration cabinet member said Thursday during a virtual event hosted by BSA | The Software Alliance. Leia mais

bsa in the news

JUN 26, 2021

BSA|ザ・ソフトウェア・アライアンス は、令和2年6月に公布された 改正個人情報保護法に関する「ガイドラインの一部を改正する告示」(以下「ガイドライン案」)に関し、個人情報保護委員会(以下、「貴委員会」)に対して、以下のとおり意見を提出致します。 Leia mais

policy filing

JUN 18, 2021