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BSA in the News

Policy issues
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OCT 13, 2020 | US

Inside Cybersecurity, October 13, 2020. “We share the goal of the Defense Department to embrace modern software development and the policy is very useful for us and our members,” Tommy Ross, senior director of policy at BSA | The Software Alliance, told Inside Cybersecurity. “However, the pathway should not just be about developing software rapidly. It needs to also be about developing software that is secure.” Read more

SEP 23, 2020 | US

American Enterprise Institute, September 23, 2020. On the latest episode of “Explain to Shane,” AEI's Shane Tews sat down with Tommy Ross, Senior Policy Director at BSA | The Software Alliance and author of BSA’s position paper titled “Securing 5G: A Call to Harness Software Innovation,” which discusses the transition from hardware-dominated networking to a software-centric model for 5G. Read more

SEP 23, 2020 | GLOBAL

Inside Cybersecurity, September 23, 2020. A revised, industry-crafted framework for software security offers more guidance on addressing supply-chain threats and maps to NIST’s recent work on the topic, according to Tommy Ross of BSA -- The Software Alliance, who said the tool is increasingly important as risks grow and government policymakers reach for solutions that could include regulation. Read more


Michael O’Brien

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