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POLITICO Morning Tech, March 7, 2022. Tom Foulkes, the head of state advocacy at BSA | The Software Alliance, said he’s happy the bill “clearly distinguishes” between companies that control consumer data versus companies that merely process that data, claiming the distinction will safeguard user privacy without creating “new security risks.” Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

MAR 07, 2022

Protocol, February 24, 2022. Victoria Espinel, President and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance, said: "I’d love to hear President Biden say: “My administration understands that 'tech policy' issues aren’t just for tech companies anymore. Digital transformation is essential to our economy, to companies large and small, and to every industry sector, including our world-leading companies in manufacturing, agriculture and health care." Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

FEB 24, 2022

Bloomberg, February 10, 2022. Aaron Cooper, vice president of global policy for BSA | The Software Alliance, said the ability to transfer data between nations is important to all sorts of companies for all sorts of reasons. “If you’re an airline, or a bank, or a health-care company, or a manufacturer or a retailer, you are transferring data back and forth between different countries,” he said. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

FEB 10, 2022

Protocol, February 8, 2022. “We look forward to working with the sponsors and committees of jurisdiction to improve on the legislation to ensure that any new law clearly targets high risk systems and sensibly allocates responsibilities between organizations that develop and deploy them,” wrote Craig Albright, vice president of Legislative Strategy at BSA. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

FEB 08, 2022