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Express Computer, September 11, 2020. BSA | The Software Alliance today submitted comments on the Report by the Committee of Experts on the Non-Personal Data Governance Framework. BSA said that it appreciates the opportunity to share its recommendations and help enact a framework that can unlock the immense potential for the social, public, and economic value of data. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

SEP 11, 2020

The Times of India; VC Circle, June 25, 2020. US president Donald Trump’s decision to suspend H-1B visas will hurt many of the biggest American companies. Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and IBM were among the top ten recipients of fresh H-1B visas in the 2019 fiscal, according to data from US Citizenship & Immigration Services. BSA | The Software Alliance, which counts Microsoft, IBM and Intel among its members, also said the move would harm the US economy. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

JUN 25, 2020

MediaNama, March 4, 2020. The Personal Data Protection Bill should remove non-personal data from its ambit, BSA, the global software alliance, wrote in its submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the Bill. The clause is too broad and encompasses all data other than non-anonymised personal data, BSA argued. This goes beyond the ambit of Personal Data Protection Bill and there is already a MeitY Committee to deliberate on governance of non-personal data through a “more deliberative and consultative process”. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

MAR 04, 2020

CNBC TV18, February 26, 2020. The Software Alliance, also known as BSA, a trade group which includes tech giants such as Microsoft, IBM and Adobe, among others said that the current version of the privacy bill poses substantial challenges, including the sweeping new powers for the government to acquire non-personal data, restrictions on data transfers, and local storage requirements. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

FEB 26, 2020