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In its annual Special 301 filing today, BSA | The Software Alliance urged the US Government to work with its trading partners to remove market access barriers, which hamper the flow of data across borders, preventing US companies from providing essential services. The filing also stressed the need for the proper protection and enforcement of all forms of intellectual property. The international movement of data is crucial to helping US companies, including BSA members, continue innovating, creating American jobs, and driving the growth of the digital economy. Lire la suite

press release

FEB 08, 2017

BSA | The Software Alliance applauds Congressman Steny Hoyer for his introduction of the bipartisan Information Technology Modernization Act. A well-functioning and modern Federal IT system is critical to maintaining the safety and security of our nation’s IT infrastructure, protecting the personal information it contains, and improving the efficiency of government operations. Lire la suite

press release

JUN 29, 2016