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Types de contenu

As an organization, BSA supports the development of relevant policy instruments and smart regulation that strengthen the Digital Single Market in Europe. In this respect, we acknowledge the importance that the E-Commerce Directive has played for the DSM, and of the necessity to account for the technological evolution of the ICT sector over the past twenty years, accounting of the different features and layers of the technology industry. BSA | The Software Alliance welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the Commission’s evaluation roadmap/inception Impact Assessment on the Digital Services Act. Lire la suite

policy filing

JUN 30, 2020

As global leaders in the development of data-driven products and services, BSA members have unique insights into how a European Data Strategy could encourage the uptake of AI tools, data analytics and how it could further help the EU to become a leading role model for a society empowered by data to make better decisions – in business and the public sector. Lire la suite

policy filing

MAY 31, 2020

Following yesterday’s European Parliament Plenary backing of the Regulation “on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online”, Eleni Chronopoulou, Senior Manager, Policy| EMEA said: “With regard to the scope of the Regulation, the European Parliament struck the right balance by acknowledging the differentiation between various types of hosting service providers." Lire la suite

press release

APR 18, 2019