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Etiquetas Adicionales

FedScoop, April 14, 2022. The Department of Commerce appointed 27 experts Thursday to its committee tasked with advising the White House on artificial intelligence issues. BSA | Software Alliance is named as having representatives that are members. The committee will also establish a subcommittee on the use of AI in law enforcement to advise on bias, data security, adoptability, and legal standards around privacy and civil rights. Continuar leyendo

bsa in the news

APR 14, 2022

Politico, April 11, 2022. The Biden administration’s public comment period asking for advice on what should – and should not – be included in the proposed IPEF deal ends today. The Regulations.gov website says that USTR had received over 1,000 comments on its portion of the IPEF negotiations, including comments from BSA | The Software Alliance. Continuar leyendo

bsa in the news

APR 11, 2022

Multiple associations urge congress to include provisions in the final FY21 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) essential to maintaining US leadership in the development of artificial intelligence (AI). Specifically, BSA supports provisions identical or sufficiently similar to Division E of H.R. 6216, the “National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act,” and to ensure that there is a five year authorization of appropriations for the programs authorized in the legislation. Multiple associations submit letters to congress that strongly support efforts to strengthen federal investments in AI research and development, facilitate new public-private partnerships that would accelerate the development of cutting-edge AI, and provide for enhanced coordination within the federal government on AI issues. Continuar leyendo

policy filing

SEP 08, 2020