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Etiquetas Adicionales

La Business Software Alliance est le principale organisme mondial de représentation et de promotion de l’industrie du logiciel et qui compte parmi ses membres des entreprises à la pointe de la technologie, notamment sur le développement de l’intelli gence artificielle comme Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Splunk ou encore Salesforce. Continuar leyendo

policy filing

OCT 30, 2020

The Global Data Alliance welcomes recommendations outlined at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) inaugural Southeast Asia Development Symposium on October 21, 2020 to invest in digital infrastructure, improve cross-border digital connectivity, and broaden equitable access to technology for populations affected by COVID-19. Continuar leyendo

press release

OCT 23, 2020

BSA |ザ・ソフトウェア・アライアンス(BSA)は、「個人情報保護制度の見直しに向けた中間整理」1(以下、「中間整理」といいます)に関する意見募集の機会に感謝し、個人情報保護制度の見直しに関するタスクフォース(以下、「タスクフォース」といいます)に対して、以下のとおり意見を提出します。 Continuar leyendo

policy filing

SEP 28, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance applauds the Australian government for signing the Australia-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement (AU-SG DEA) with the Government of Singapore in August 2020. The agreement, which allows for the free flow of data across borders and prohibits data localization mandates, is an important step in building a global consensus on data. Now, BSA urges the Australian Joint Standing Committee on Treaties to endorse the adoption of the agreement. Continuar leyendo

press release

SEP 18, 2020