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Bloomberg, February 10, 2022. Aaron Cooper, vice president of global policy for BSA | The Software Alliance, said the ability to transfer data between nations is important to all sorts of companies for all sorts of reasons. “If you’re an airline, or a bank, or a health-care company, or a manufacturer or a retailer, you are transferring data back and forth between different countries,” he said. Continuar leyendo

bsa in the news

FEB 10, 2022

BSA | The Software Alliance supports a strong, national privacy framework that provides all consumers with meaningful rights over their personal data and ensures businesses, large and small, are accountable for processing personal data in line with consumers’ expectations. We commend your ongoing efforts to protect Indianians’ consumer data privacy rights and would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to share our perspective and recommendations to strengthen the bill. ... Continuar leyendo

policy filing

JAN 20, 2022