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As you work to help the Nation confront growing challenges through the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (FY23 NDAA), I write to offer the perspective of the enterprise software industry on key efforts that would improve our national and economic security and increase the Department of Defense's ability to accomplish its missions today and into the future. Continuar leyendo

policy filing

APR 22, 2022

As you work to help the Nation confront growing challenges through the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (FY23 NDAA), I write to offer the perspective of the enterprise software industry on key efforts that would improve our national and economic security and increase the Department of Defense's ability to accomplish its missions today and into the future. Continuar leyendo

policy filing

APR 22, 2022

Government Technology, April 15, 2022. Victoria Espinel, president and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance is announced as one of 27 members joining a committee that will help advise the president and National AI Initiative Office on artificial intelligence and its impacts. The National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC) will “provide recommendations on topics including the current state of U.S. AI competitiveness, the state of science around AI, and AI workforce issues. Continuar leyendo

bsa in the news

APR 15, 2022