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On behalf of BSA | The Software Alliance (BSA) and the Global Data Alliance (GDA), we thank the Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee (PDPC Office) for soliciting feedback from the private sector on the Draft Notification of the Personal Data Protection Committee on Criteria for the Protection of Personal Data Sent or Transferred to a Foreign Country Pursuant to Section 28 of the Personal Data Protection Act 2019 (Notification Pursuant to Section 28), and the Draft Notification of the PDPC on Criteria for the Protection of Personal Data Sent or Transferred to a Foreign Country Pursuant to Section 29 of the Personal Data Protection Act 2019 (Notification Pursuant to Section 29). Weiterlesen

policy filing

NOV 10, 2023

BSA | The Software Alliance appreciates your office’s active engagement with stakeholders on the open-source software security. BSA supported both the development of the US National Cybersecurity Strategy and its Implementation Plan. We believe that partnership between governments and industry is the most direct path toward a more secure future. Weiterlesen

policy filing

NOV 08, 2023

On behalf of the undersigned associations, we wish to express our profound concern and disappointment that the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has withdrawn its support for proposed World Trade Organizations (WTO) disciplines that protect cross-border data flows; prohibit data localization mandates; preclude discrimination against American-made digital products; and safeguard sensitive source code from forced disclosure mandates that enable malicious cyber activity. Weiterlesen

policy filing

NOV 07, 2023