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BSA | The Software Alliance commends the Committee of Experts for instituting a public consultation process on the proposed Non-Personal Data Governance Framework. BSA shares the Committees’ goals in promoting innovation, improving efficiency, increasing transparency, and bettering quality services. To that end, BSA supports responsible policies that facilitate voluntary data sharing, collaboration, and experimentation with data resources while protecting privacy. 阅读更多信息

press release

JUL 23, 2020

The undersigned associations represent thousands of U.S. companies of all sizes and from a broad range of industry sectors. Despite the many differences in the products and services we create and in the customers we serve, we are united by the need to transfer data across international borders. We are writing in relation to yesterday’s Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) decision striking down the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, a vital legal mechanism used to transfer data between the U.S. and the EU, upon which small and medium sized businesses rely heavily. 阅读更多信息

policy filing

JUL 17, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance today led a multi-industry letter with the US Chamber of Commerce responding to yesterday’s Schrems II ruling by the European Court of Justice and urging the US Department of Commerce to work collaboratively with the European Union to develop a stable and sustainable mechanism for companies to transfer data between the European Union and the United States. 阅读更多信息

press release

JUL 17, 2020