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BSA | The Software Alliance commends members of Congress for their letter to the US Department of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission expressing support for ongoing work to develop a successor to the EU-US Privacy Shield. The letter expresses support for the work to develop a successor to the European Union-United States Privacy Shield Framework (“Privacy Shield”) and to emphasize the importance of ensuring stable and reliable mechanisms to transfer data between the United States (US) and European Union (EU). 阅读更多信息

policy filing

OCT 02, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft Washington Privacy Act 2021 (“the draft Act”). BSA supports a strong, national comprehensive privacy law that provides consumers meaningful rights over their personal data and obligates businesses to handle personal data in line with consumers’ expectations. In our advocacy, we have expressed support for consumer protections similar to many of those in the draft Act. 阅读更多信息

policy filing

SEP 30, 2020

BSA |ザ・ソフトウェア・アライアンス(BSA)は、「個人情報保護制度の見直しに向けた中間整理」1(以下、「中間整理」といいます)に関する意見募集の機会に感謝し、個人情報保護制度の見直しに関するタスクフォース(以下、「タスクフォース」といいます)に対して、以下のとおり意見を提出します。 阅读更多信息

policy filing

SEP 28, 2020