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Reuters, February 6, 2024. BSA | The Software Alliance and other organizations contend that instead of assuring that investors receive detailed warnings about cyber risk and robust disclosures after cyberattacks, the SEC’s lawsuit could end up discouraging companies from probing for potential security weaknesses and cooperating with government investigators after a breach. 阅读更多信息

bsa in the news

FEB 06, 2024

The Economic Times, February 6, 2024. India is a major exporter of IT and software services, with exports worth $194 billion in 2023 and growing at an annual rate of 12.2% as of 2022. Depending on other WTO member interpretations, some of these services could fall within the definition of electronic transmissions, which could subject them to customs duties and requirements by other trading partners if the moratorium lapses. 阅读更多信息

bsa in the news

FEB 06, 2024